Budapest, The Queen of the Danube
Two cities separated by the Danube River became one and formed one of Europe's most beautiful capitals . Today, Budapest has also grown in the number of tourist visits, as well as in hotels, restaurants, and boutiques opening their doors. Since joining the European Union not too long ago, it has been cleaning up its beautiful architecture and is now more attractive than ever. It's especially beautiful when seen from the top of the hilly Buda side or from the river, with landmarks standing out in the skyline. A visit to its famous thermal baths is a must, and the classical music scene is impressive. You may also join the local fashion-conscious youth in the new buzzing nightlife, or simply continue wandering the cobbled streets admiring the city's charm and lovely vistas. A walk through the C ASTLE D ISTRICT and F ISHERMEN'S B ASTION . The magnificent P ARLIAMENT . Relaxing at the G ELLÉRT B ATHS . The landmark S T. S TEPHAN'S B ASILICA...